JUNE 6th
Let Your Light Shine: The Vocation of Catholic Homeschooling

“I’ve always wanted to attend the big national Catholic homeschooling conference, but going to that would require travel expenses and finding childcare for my young children. Thanks to this virtual conference, I could experience all the same speakers from the comfort of my own home, plus it was free! While I miss in person conferences, attending a virtual conference was perfect for me because it eliminated all the barriers that prevented me from attending in person conferences in the past.”
Click to download our full conference schedule as a PDF document!
“The conference bridged the distance for heroic Catholic parents to gain support, receive wisdom and to stand on the shoulders of giants to be able to see that homeschool beacon of light to continue our mission. The sheer numbers were a testimony of how deeply Catholic parents are committed to our children’s eternal salvation. I am persevering in homeschooling through our youngest daughter’s high school graduation because the conference reignited my fire and love for my family, our daughter and God.”
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