2023 Online Catholic Homeschool Conference on June 9-10th
Empowering you to homeschool Joyfully
Invitation for This Year
Conference Speakers

Sonja Corbitt
Talk title
Finding and Keeping Joy as Homeschoolers

Fr. Augustine Wetta
Talk title
Fail! Life Lessons from losers, washouts, has-been, and other great saints

Danielle Bean
Talk title
Mom Panel

Jennifer Macintosh
Talk title
Mom Panel

Paola Ciskanik
Talk title
Mom Panel

Maureen Wittmann
Talk title
You Can Do This
Conference Workshop Leaders

Annabelle Moseley
Workshop title
Mom’s Night Out with The “Lesson of the Bethany Cook”

Margaret Walsh
Workshop title
Dyslexia Reading Tips, Building a Word

Heather Giambalvo
Workshop title
Declutter Your Homeschool

Cory Maloney
Workshop title
Dads Supporting Moms

Tom Weishaar
Workshop title
Dads Supporting Moms

Arlena Brown
Workshop title
Homeschooling Multiple Children:
A Unique Approach

Vivian Dudro
Workshop title
Homeschooling? Are You Crazy?

Bonnie Landry
Workshop title
Highschool Highlights: Dignity,
Grace, and Fun
Conference Pre-Recorded Talks

Tom Weishaar
Talk Title
How to Create a Homeschool Transcript

Jenny Bales
Talk Title
Should I Stay or Should I Go: Getting out of the House and Building Intentional In-Person Community

Erin M. Brown
Talk title
Word Mastery Secret: How One Simple and Powerful “Trick” Can Help Your Student Read, Spell, Write, and Even Learn Faster.”

Margaret Walsh
Talk title
Literacy in Comprehension, Building a Tapestry

Pamela Patnode
Talk title
St. Benedict and Balance: A search for calm in a crazy, busy world

Susan Sucher
Talk title
GK Chesterton and Homeschooling

Patrick Reilly
Talk title
Don’t Stop! Why Catholic Education Should Continue Through College

Rosario Reilly
Talk title
What is Classical Education

Ed Rivet
Talk title
The Indispensable Principles of Liberty & Justice

Marisol Rodero
Talk title
Homeschooling in the Hispanic Community

Doug Smith
Talk title
Screens and Kids: A Counter-Cultural Way

Celeste Cruz
Talk title
Educating Persons: An Introduction to the Charlotte Mason Philosophy

Ken Davison
Talk title
10 Tips from the Parents of Saints

Paola Ciskanik
Talk title
Preschool and Kindergarten: Set the Stage for Life-long Learning

Cheryl Bloomquist
Talk title
With Faith and a Song: How the Trapp Family Singers Became a Model for Catholic Families Everywhere

Suchi Myjak
Talk title
Creationism, Evolution, and Scripture

Tammy Parker
Talk title
M3 – Making Math Merry

Tina Rodriguez
Talk title
Five Tips: How to Have a More Relaxed Homeschool

Joseph Pearce
Talk title
Cultivating a Love of Literature
What People Are Saying
“COME TO THE CONFERENCE! This conference is a gold mine of information for veterans and newbies alike on such a broad spectrum of topics from Shakespeare to book recommendations to special education to Catholic living. I watched it with my mother in law, also a homeschooling mom, and we were riveted (try to plan an easy dinner so you can make the most of your time at the conference!). You will come away feeling inspired, encouraged, and uplifted. Don’t miss it!“
— Elaine
— Hannah
“The conference bridged the distance for heroic Catholic parents to gain support, receive wisdom and to stand on the shoulders of giants to be able to see that homeschool beacon of light to continue our mission. The sheer numbers were a testimony of how deeply Catholic parents are committed to our children’s eternal salvation. I am persevering in homeschooling through our youngest daughter’s high school graduation because the conference reignited my fire and love for my family, our daughter and God.”
— Cecilia
Is this conference online?
Yes, it will be online. It will be very interactive, mimicking an in-person conference.
What is the cost of this year’s conference?
The cost is $28.97 if you register on or before May 9th. The price is $38.97 after May 9th .
What time zone is used for the virtual event?
All sessions are based on Eastern Time.
Why did you choose this date?
We choose June to give parents time to complete the school year and provide plenty of time to plan for next school year. We choose Friday and Saturday to provide parents the ability to secure child care.
Why is there a cost of this year’s conference?
The cost ensures that the conference is of the highest quality which also gives you access to all of the recorded talks until May 1, 2023. Note that in previous years access to recorded talks after the conference was over $50.
What is your refund policy?
If you cancel on or before June 1, 2022, your registration fee is refundable less a $10 administrative fee.
To cancel your registration, please email [email protected].
Registrants canceling on or after June 2, 2022, will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived. If you are unable to attend and ineligible for a refund you will still have access to the talk recordings through May 1, 2023.