Event Resources
Please upload your graphics and recorded video to Dropbox.
Then, download the speaker agreement form and email to [email protected]
All recorded talks are due September 17th.
Select an option to learn more!
Record your video
You can use any set up you please – standing, sitting, etc. Stationary is preferred to walking.
What’s important is that the audio is clear, video quality is high, and you stand out clearly from your background.
Note: your video should be 20-40 minutes long.
Your video title: Use your full name to avoid confusion!
Your Video Format: MP4
How do I record a TED-like Talk?
The most watched talks are usually built around a great story, and free of sales pitches. Ideas are worth sharing. Include a story! They’re really important; they make ideas and important concepts stick.
Recommended Format
- Open with a greeting, introduce yourself, highlight your big idea.
- Dive into the short story
- Connect it with your main idea: explain the status quo and why it’s a problem. Explore the ‘promised land’ with as much detail and clarity as possible.
- Close with a simple, practical, next step, a call to take action.
Recording Tips
Avoid putting a light source (like a window) behind you.
Ensure that your wall or background is neat and clear of distractions.
Don’t record against a blank wall – it gives the impression that you may be boring.
Record when things are quiet.
Use a timer.
Most important: practice your talk several times before you give it! This will give you the confidence to avoid looking at your notes the whole time.
Need help? Let us know!
Don’t have a recording setup? We have Zoom rooms available.
We also have a video production team to help you record or check the quality of the recording.
Feel free to email us at: [email protected]